06 November 2007

Self Reflections

Self Reflection 1
Just standing within the comfort and security of home while a lightning storm was flashing around in all its splendour out there. The problem with this image is that it didn't manage to capture the external stormy atmosphere.

Self Reflection 2
This time I decided to shoot myself in the bathroom mirror with a slow shutter speed (probably around 1 minute — should write down next time!) and zooming in when I pressed the shutter button. At the same time, I thought I'd take Kerry's instructions literally (something about upfront and sideways) by first facing the mirror upfront before turning my head into profile half-way through the shot.

Lorna Sim


Anonymous said...

These are interesting images, Lorna. Self Reflection 1 has an introspective feel to it. I like Self Reflection 2 for the sense of motion it captures. Nice job!

Anonymous said...

great experiment Lorna