16 July 2008

National Library of Australia Adds Betties to Collection

"Charlie B" by Kerry Baylor

The Betties are abuzz with excitement because....

The National Library of Australia has asked if they can add us to their collection!

Specifically, we're now part of the Library's PANDORA collection, which is an archive of online publications that are considered to be of "national significance" and "lasting cultural value".

What this essentially means is that this blog will be regularly archived and preserved, even as technology changes over time, so that people anywhere can have "access to it in perpetuity" — that is, forever.

How cool is that? The Betties have made it!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Betties! Nice to see such a great site get the recognition it deserves.

Andrée L

Denise said...

Wow - congratulations! How amazing, and well deserved!!