05 November 2007

On the Bed

Robert Burne

At first glance this image seems to break a number of Betty rules:
  1. The original photo was actually taken by Chris Kendall (I passed my Nikonos to him for this shot)
  2. It was taken 20 years ago.

However I have been driving myself crazy over the past few weeks scanning some of my many slides, so this is one of the images I actually captured yesterday using my trusty Canon 9950F Scanner. The colours were then adjusted to compensate for the decay of natural light at 20 metres.

The scene is the tidal channel adjacent to Lee Stocking Island in the Bahamas. Some of the largest stromatolites found in modern seas grow in the strong tidal currents and the shifting ooid sands.

No wonder I am smiling!


Horse Feathers Saddlery said...

I think this picture fails all Betty rules because Bob clearly just wants us to know he has been to the Bahamas ;).

Anonymous said...

It's okay to break the Betty rules every once in awhile I suppose. I like this portrait a lot.

How about a Betty trip to the Bahamas?

Anonymous said...

Still knowing all the people in betties. I'm surprised there hasn't been an anarchistic revolt before now. Lead the revolt Bob!!!

Anonymous said...

would that count as a tax deduction do u think

SIMages said...

Yeah, bob, lead the revolution! But first, bring us to the Bahamas!