26 May 2008

2008 Krappy Kamera Competition

Image by Bridget Kane

Susan Stayer
Artistic Inspiration

For the last decade, the annual Krappy Camera Competition has celebrated plastic cameras in all their unreliable glory.

Check out "Seeking Imperfection" Hailey Eber's review of this year's event, published in the Brooklyn Rail. Soho Photo Gallery hosts an exhibition of short-listed images ... browse through the 50 finalists here.

There is only one problem with this fabulous event ... photographers living outside the US can't enter. Boo hoo for the Betties!

Update: good news for Australian plastic camera fans ... Blender Gallery in Sydney ran a similiar competition last year and plans to continue to momentum this year. How exciting!


Anonymous said...

Obviously we need to have some Australian Crapamera Awards!


P.S. Didn't Blender Gallery run something like that last year? I might ring them

Horse Feathers Saddlery said...

Yes, I've just looked at their website and they had a show called "The World Through a Plastic Lens" ... check it out at www.blender.com.au and click on the "artists archive" button. It doesn't say if this was based on a competition.

Anonymous said...

I agree that there should be a Krappy Kamera Competition here in Australia. I love the photos in "The World Through a Plastic Lens" on the Blender Gallery website. It seems like that gallery would be the obvious one for a competition.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't the competition I don't think. They have had a couple of "The World Through a Plastic Lens" but the competition was separate. The first prize was a trip to London for the Lomography Exhibition
