03 June 2008

Wide Eyes, Pouty Lips

Kathleen Fisher

I found this young lady at the Lambing Flat Folk Museum in Young. I snapped her with a friend's point-n-shoot digital camera, so can't share the technical details. I can tell you, however, that the museum is excellent. So many glorious vintage mannequins and so many pristine objects donated by locals!


Anonymous said...

Wow. She has the longest neck in the world! I am going to have to go there at some point and see her for myself. You have really accentuated it too. Liek it.


Horse Feathers Saddlery said...

Yeah, the length of her neck is actually a little obscene! I've got a shot of another mannequin at the museum on my Tiny Purple Fish blog (there's a link from the Betties' main page).

It really is the coolest museum ... I'd like to go back with more cameras.

Kerry B said...

she is a stunner!! manniquins are way cool