26 November 2007

Holga's Orb

Miguel Gallagher
Driven to Abstraction

I took my Holga for a drive and found some birds flying around and above the Governor General's house. I took this photo as the sun was falling and used the bulb setting and, of course, cross processed the film.

I am also very excited that my pinhole camera has finally arrived. I'll be taking lots of photos with it soon.

Zoom Zoom!

Susan Stayer
Driven to Abstraction

I like abstract images of cars. This is the grill on our Mazda. Zoom Zoom!

22 November 2007

Literally Driven

Lorna Sim
Driven to Abstraction

The night was really warm, so we had the sun-roof open while driving home from dinner. At one stage, after getting tired of shooting the same old streaky light shots through the window and windscreen, it suddenly occured to me that I could try a new angle and format. So there was I, hanging on tight to my dear DSLR with a wide angle lens, on top of the car roof and had a ball shooting tons of moving shots like these!!

Tunnel Vision

Kerry Baylor
Driven to Abstraction

I was travelling back from Newcastle and, driven by boredom, started looking for abstractions in what I was seeing. I was lucky enough to be sitting next to a window that had scratches all over it. Then it rained and we stopped in a tunnel.

20 November 2007

The Furnace

Robert Burne
Driven to Abstraction

The glass-maker is transforming realities.

19 November 2007

Fleshed With Power

Susan Stayer

In his poem "Cherrylog Road", James Dickey refers to a motorcycle as "a bicycle fleshed with power":

And I to my motorcycle
Parked like the soul of the junkyard
Restored, a bicycle fleshed
With power, and tore off
Up Highway 106, continually
Drunk on the wind in my mouth,
Wringing the handlebar for speed,
Wild to be wreckage forever.

Reflections in Ruins

Kerry Baylor

I went to the derelict Kenmore Psychiatric Hospital looking to just take art photos but what I got was overwhelming feelings of emptiness, loneliness, abandonment, reflection — the same feelings patients probably had. Maybe I was a patient in another life.

Fleshy Offering

Lorna Sim

I went in search for "flesh" when we were at Kerry's today and was not disappointed. Kerry's place turns up to be a photographer's dream.


Robert Burne

Lee generously permitted me to take this portrait. At infra-red wave-lengths, skin actually becomes translucent and the image responds to the warmth of the underlying flesh. One consequence is that the pigments of her tasteful tattoo are accentuated. Note also the effect on the dark sun-glasses.

18 November 2007

Ghost Flesh

Ed Whalan

Mango Heart

Kerry Baylor

I was cutting my first mango of the season and went into the flesh for a closer look. This is what I found.

Don't Slip!

Susan Stayer

I like bananas because each one comes in its own package.

See Through Packaging

Miguel Gallagher

Here are my pre-packaged photos of a pre-packaged garden. I took these using various bits of packaging from chocolate biscuits and muesli bags as filters.

13 November 2007

Me in Dirty Glasses

Miguel Gallagher

This photo was taken at the Third Ave Street Fair, New York when I had realised that I had taken thousands of photos but had failed to include myself. I remedied the situation.

12 November 2007

Pinhole Package

Ed Whalan

I've been playing around with a digital pinhole, but I think I need a smaller pin.

More Than Just Packaging

Lorna Sim

There's nothing bland and boring about the way tissues are boxed and packaged these days. I'm just wondering whether tissue box covers have gone out of fashion now that the tissue boxes have stopped being unsightly?

An Offering

Robert Burne

Roman households had shrines to the Lares and Penates, the deities who protected the home and the state. We also have public shrines where we regularly make offerings.

Art In Packaging

I am a mad collector of everything and have always loved art in packaging. This is my collection of the stickers on fruit, the only packaging I like to see.

These art pieces are actually hand-made shelves from a packing crate. I found them in a blue cupboard I picked up at a garage sale.

Kerry Baylor

09 November 2007

A Chair's View

Robert Burne
World Toy Camera Day 2007

I ran a Tri X Pan film that expired in 1999 through my $10 Snap Sights that I bought for World Toy Camera day.

Since the Betties are the only people that might possibly be interested in the results, I would like to share one of the shots with you.

06 November 2007

Self Reflections

Self Reflection 1
Just standing within the comfort and security of home while a lightning storm was flashing around in all its splendour out there. The problem with this image is that it didn't manage to capture the external stormy atmosphere.

Self Reflection 2
This time I decided to shoot myself in the bathroom mirror with a slow shutter speed (probably around 1 minute — should write down next time!) and zooming in when I pressed the shutter button. At the same time, I thought I'd take Kerry's instructions literally (something about upfront and sideways) by first facing the mirror upfront before turning my head into profile half-way through the shot.

Lorna Sim

05 November 2007

I Don't Really Like to Talk About My Flare

Susan Stayer

On the Bed

Robert Burne

At first glance this image seems to break a number of Betty rules:
  1. The original photo was actually taken by Chris Kendall (I passed my Nikonos to him for this shot)
  2. It was taken 20 years ago.

However I have been driving myself crazy over the past few weeks scanning some of my many slides, so this is one of the images I actually captured yesterday using my trusty Canon 9950F Scanner. The colours were then adjusted to compensate for the decay of natural light at 20 metres.

The scene is the tidal channel adjacent to Lee Stocking Island in the Bahamas. Some of the largest stromatolites found in modern seas grow in the strong tidal currents and the shifting ooid sands.

No wonder I am smiling!

Lazy Sunday

Kerry Baylor

This is me laying on my favourite pillow reading.

My Lover, My Dog, Some Friends and a Few Tats

Full-sized image


Ed Whalan